As the slope and t-bar lift, Mäder is a rather short slope down and a fast lift ride up, some friends and I thought it would be incredible to have a snowpark/terrain park similar to jatztpark there. The lift tends to have short ques and little people there at all times anyway and would make up the perfect park! The rather flat part of the slope up top would offer space for rails and the steeper part in the middle could have a few kickers and at the very bottom where it flattens out a bit again there could be a few more rails. Thanks.
Sacha Lifschitz sagt
Fantastische Idee und eine riesige Bereicherung für Gotschna/Parsenn.
Kslap sagt
Mega Geile Idee!
Maximilian sagt
Super Idee!!
FH sagt
This is sick. Needs to be done
Meister sagt
Siehe "Funpark Parsenn": Für Freestyler gibts doch Parsenn? Ich finde diese Trennung gut und sollte auch so bleiben.
Claudia scheiner sagt
Super. Was für die Parkfans!
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